SANTA MONICA- Paper is seemingly the most ordinary of materials and yet the perfect choice of medium for many artists. The label ‘works on paper’ conjures a universe of art making, from modest sketchbook structures to the most exalted artifacts of world culture. Here in Southern California we have the Norton Simon Museum's collection of Edgar Degas pastels, works on paper that are among our greatest treasures.
Latin American Masters’s new exhibition, Paper Trail, showcases recent works on paper by some of Latin America’s most accomplished artists. Among the varied works on paper are drawings by Santiago Cárdenas, brushed ink works by Francisco Toledo, pastels and watercolors by John Valadez and Julio Larraz, oils on gessoed paper by Arnaldo Roche, charcoal and acrylic work by Fernando de Szyszlo, and a stitched drawing by Trine Ellitsgaard.
Though modest in scale, Paper Trail presents a surprising range of art making practices. The exhibition is a reminder that despite our fascination with new technologies and materials, ordinary paper remains for many artists an essential choice of medium.
Opening Reception Saturday May 17, 6 – 8PM