Amarillo-Verde-Rojo-Azul, 1975
oil on masonite
13 x 18 inches
(Mexico, 1915 - 2000)
Many people say I am an abstract painter. Actually, I think my paintings are very realistic. They are real because they express very accurately what I am all about, and in doing so they are to some degree about everybody else.
-- Gunther Gerzso
Twentieth Century Artists on Art
published by Pantheon, 1985
By the late 1940's, Gunther Gerzso's geometric abstractions combined the restricted space of Cubism with the deep vistas of late Surrealism. His style is characterized by rich, jewel-like glazes of color, sharp-edged architectural forms, and the suggestion of a subterranean space, at once erotic and psychological. In addition to Cubism and Surrealism, his paintings have references to pre-Columbian art and the varied landscapes of Mexico. He is Mexico's most significant twentieth century Abstractionist.